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School-Based Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy is a branch of health care system which provides therapy to an individual with physical, sensory and cognitive issues who simply finds it hard to function in their daily activities. It is about adapting to the required skills and to do that, the therapist breaks down the skills to minute steps while building it up again to an achievable skill set.
In a school setting, an occupational therapist will work with students on their targeted goals such as social skills, learning readiness, math, reading and writing, sensory behavior management and most importantly self-help skills. The therapist will then help create a plan, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) together with the respective teachers. Once an IEP has been set, the Therapist will then move on to ensure that the implementation of the targeted social activities and academic requirements will draw out the student’s strength and weakness. This will eventually help the students form strategies to learn to self- regulate and adapt to new learned skills in order to function effectively independently in a classroom and social gatherings. .