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Play Therapy builds neural pathways in child’s brain. When a child is helped with their feelings, huge number of brain cells in their rational brain starts to form pathways which connect to reptilian brain. When they are allowed to express their feelings anti -anxiety chemicals are released in their brain that helps them to calm down. (Margot Sunderland at Play TherapyConference 2007– Neuroscience Case for Play Therapy)
Play therapy utilizes play, children’s natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys instead of words.
Play therapists follow a child’s lead and uses a variety of toys and materials, and focus on building a relationship with a child in which the child feels seen, heard and accepted.
Through Non -Directive play, children have a chance to be in control and therefore it increases their experience of security.
The main principle of child-centered play therapy is that therapists focus more on the person than the problem. A Play Therapist understands and accepts the child’s world andprovides opportunities to move through life’s challenges.
Play therapy takes bits of unimaginable reality into manageable situations and provides children with an opportunity to cope, make meaning, and effectively express their emotions.
Play therapists work with children from age group 4 years -12 years old using art, clay, sand miniatures, prehistoric toys and other toys.
If you or your child is struggling, then now would be the best time to start services for Play Therapy and Socio- Emotional support!
For more information on Play Therapy : Please contact Teacher Amarpreet at [email protected] Play and Creative Arts Therapist Play Therapy UK/Play Therapy International